Shown below are sample HTML codes you can use when linking to the PHP fanlisting. Please link back to help spread the love for PHP!
Scroll down the page to see the other images available for linking to the fanlisting.
I <3 PHP
I <3 <a href="">PHP</a>
If you will be using an image to link back to the fanlisting, please upload the images to your OWN space. If you try to use the images stored on my own server, all you'll get is a broken link.
<a href=""><img src="IMAGE_ON_YOUR_OWN_SPACE.gif" alt=" PHP" /></a>
Please download and save these to your own space. If you'd like to donate, just send them to with your name and URL/email and I'll put them up and give you credit. :)
There are more in the pages below: